Construction Equipment Sales & Rental Since 2000
We provide parts, technical support, and warranty service for all products that we sell.
Free shipping on orders over $175 (before tax for Michigan orders). We can ship to any address in the United States through our online store. International customers please contact us directly. Note there are restrictions on some products that cannot be shipped free.
*Some products are ineligible for free shipping due to their size, weight and price. These products are clearly marked at the top of product page and shipping tab, stating they do not qualify for free shipping. If an order is processed online for these items and the free shipping selected at checkout, we will contact to discuss final shipping charge. For these items please contact us for details and a shipping quote.
We offer South East Michigan jobsite delivery. Rates depend on the weight and distance of your items. Contact our Customer Service Reps for details.
No Sales Tax on orders outside of Michigan. The sales tax collected in Michigan is fairly simple. No local sales tax is levied statewide as of March 2019, so Michigan buyers pay only the Michigan state tax rate of 6% for all regular taxable items.
Freight Shipping. Please be sure to check all packages for any potential damage during transit Team Equipment Company is not responsible for damaged products due to shipping. It is the sole responsibility of the receiving party to fully inspect the product at the time of delivery for any potential damage. We recommend removing any protective wrapping to fully inspect the product, before the driver leaves. In addition, please count the product before signing the Delivery Receipt.
*Prices subject to change without notice due to shifts in shipping costs.